15/01/2014 - 2925 lượt xem
During his terms in Vietnam, Ambassador John Nielsen has made significant contributions to the development of the planning and investment sector in Vietnam. Thanks to the Danish support to the Business Sector Research Programme, the Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM) under MPI, a leading economic policy think tank, has improved its capacity and competency in producing high quality and evidence-based research and policy-oriented analysis.
Image: The Minister of Planning and Investment Bui Quang Vinh presented Medals of Honour to H.E. Ambassador of Denmark John Nielsen
CIEM’s research work and policy recommendations have proven highly instrumental in guiding economic planning and policy making in Vietnam. Ambassador John Nielsen has been also instrumental in facilitating the signing of the Comprehensive Partnership Agreement between Denmark and Vietnam during the visit of President Truong Tan Sang to Denmark in 2013. The signed Agreement will elevate the cooperation between the two countries to a new high.
Professor Finn Tarp, a leading international development economist, has for almost 15 years been the dynamic leader of a series of high impact policy relevant research programmes focused on generating data, producing policy relevant studies and building analytical capacity in Vietnam. He has been a close research partner responsible for transferring international knowledge and skills in economic research to CIEM. His collaborative work with CIEM and international partners has been significant and helped produce high quality research and policy relevant recommendations to the Vietnamese Government in areas related to, for example, economic reforms, the macro-economy, international trade, the business sector and the enterprise environment, rural households and the environment. His research and the many comprehensive data bases built are both novel and will serve many research purposes in Vietnam in the years to come.
Image: The Minister of Planning and Investment Bui Quang Vinh presented Medals of Honour to the Director of UNU-WIDER, Finn Tarp, who is also Professor at the University of Copenhagen
Image: The Minister of Planning and Investment Bui Quang Vinh, leaders of CIEM and agencies to attend the ceremony
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